recent projects

Nigel the Gannet
My first foray into animation is a music video for my band, The Burning Hell. In this video Nigel the Gannet flies through a beautiful and fractured landscape toward his concrete mate on Garbage Island.

Sappy Support Line
A short-term call centre established in Sackville, New Brunswick for the duration of the 2020 iteration of the music festival Sappyfest. The call centre connected regular Sappyfest attendees with the festival's community of artists, volunteers, and community members.

"Never Work"
Album released 2020 with songs inspired by earlier folk revival labour songs, with subject matter relevant to the work in the 21st century: the gig economy, automation, and eroding labour rights.
Recorded 2019 at my home studio.
Musicworks: The Cassette Years
Two installations of an exhibition curated from the archived of Musicworks Magazine, covering the experimental sounds produced for the magazine's supplementary cassettes through the 80s and 90s.
The exhibition was presented on a dozen different vintage cassette decks with accompanying texts.